Разработка альбомов типовых решений в части РЗА для подстанций 110/35/10 кВ со схемой №110-12; №35-9; №10-1
The Customer: ООО «Надежные технические решения» Execution period: май 2021 — ноябрь 2021
The Customer: ООО «Надежные технические решения» Execution period: май 2021 — ноябрь 2021
The Customer: ООО «Промышленные инвестиции» Execution period: ноябрь 2021 — 2022
The Customer: ООО «Невский энергомеханический завод» Execution period: апрель 2021 — 2021
The Customer: ООО «Санаторий Заполярье» Execution period: 2021 — 2021
The Customer: ООО «СибПроектГрупп» Execution period: ноябрь 2021 — февраль 2022
The Customer: ООО «МонтажЭлектроСервис» Execution period: апрель 2021 — январь 2022 г.
The Customer: ООО «ТЭКПРО» Execution period: июнь 2022 — июль 2022
The Customer: ООО «КПЭ» Execution period: июль 2020 — март 2023
The Customer: АО «ВНИИР Гидроэлектроавтоматика» Execution period: март 2022 — декабрь 2023
The Customer: ООО «Газпромнефть-энергосервис» Execution period: апрель 2022 — сентябрь 2022
The Customer: ПАО «Россети Сибирь» Execution period: январь 2022 г. — сентябрь 2022 г.
The Customer: ООО «ГДК Баимская» Execution period: ноябрь 2021 — май 2023 г.
The Customer: «Amur Minerals» OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: апрель 2020- декабрь 2022 г.
The Customer: «Amur Minerals» OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: 2020- декабрь 2021 г.
The Customer: АО «Уральская энергетическая строительная компания» Execution period: июнь 2022 — август 2022
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: 2020-2023
The Customer: «Amur Minerals» OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: 2021-2023
The Customer: АО «ЦИУС ЕЭС» — ЦИУС Сибири Execution period: 2020-2022
The Customer: АО «Научно-технический центр Федеральной сетевой компании Единой энергетической системы» Execution period: 2020-2022
The Customer: ООО «АтомЭлектроПроект» Execution period: 2020-2022
The Customer: АО «Полиметалл» Execution period: 2021-2022
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: December, 2014 — December, 2016
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: December, 2014 — December, 2016
The Customer: АО «Уральская энергетическая строительная компания» Execution period: 2021-2022
The Customer: Ozernoye OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: April, 2020 - February, 2021
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: March, 2020 - 2021
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: December, 2020.
The Customer: «AERO-Sheremetyevo» AO (JSC) Execution period: June, 2020 - January, 2021
The Customer: «ROTEK» AO (JSC) Execution period: September, 2020 - 2021
The Customer: Teplo Zemli АО (JSC) Execution period: March, 2020 - February, 2021
The Customer: JSC «SEZ PPT «Lipetsk» Execution period: 17 November, 2020.
The Customer: Inaglinsky GOK AO (JSC) Execution period: февраль 2022 г.
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: February, 2021.
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: July, 2020 - October, 2021
The Customer: Teplo Zemli АО (JSC) Execution period: March, 2019 - November, 2020
The Customer: Administration of Baikalsk municipal settlement Execution period: December, 2018 – June, 2020
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: May, 2019 — April, 2020
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the Centre (MES Centra) Execution period: December, 2018 – March, 2020
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: January, 2020 - July, 2021
The Customer: GiprotyumenNeftegaz PAO (JSC) Execution period: February, 2020 - August, 2021
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: November, 2019 — December, 2019
The Customer: The 2nd Wind Farm - Fund for Wind Power Engineering Development ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: April, 2019 — December, 2019
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: June, 2018 – July, 2019
The Customer: Branch of CIUS EES АО (JSC) — CIUS of Siberia (CIUS Sibiri) Execution period: April, 2017 — August, 2019
The Customer: GiprotyumenNeftegaz PAO (JSC) Execution period: April, 2019 — January, 2020
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: September, 2018 — November, 2018
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: April, 2018 — October, 2018
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: December, 2017 — December, 2018
The Customer: Branch of CIUS EES АО (JSC) — CIUS of Siberia (CIUS Sibiri) Execution period: December, 2017 — January, 2018
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the South (MES Yuga) Execution period: June, 2017 — February, 2018
The Customer: GazpromNeft0ONPZ АО (JSC) Execution period: April, 2016 — June, 2018
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the East (MES Vostoka) Execution period: June, 2016 — December, 2018
The Customer: FGS UES АО (JSC) — Branch of CIUS EES ОАО (JSC)-CIUS of Siberia Execution period: January, 2016 - December, 2017
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Western Siberia (MES Zapadnoy Sibiri) Execution period: March, 2017 — September, 2017
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: July, 2016 — November, 2017
The Customer: FGS UES АО (JSC) — Branch of CIUS EES ОАО (JSC)-CIUS of Western Siberia Execution period: November, 2016 — December, 2016
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the Urals (MES Urala) Execution period: October, 2015 — January, 2016
The Customer: FGS UES ОАО (JSC) — Main Power Networks of the Centre (MES Centra) Execution period: December, 2014 — December, 2016
The Customer: FGS UES АО (JSC) — Branch of CIUS EES ОАО (JSC)-CIUS of Siberia Execution period: January, 2016 — July, 2017
The Customer: MOESK ОАО (JSC) Execution period: November, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: FGS UES АО (JSC) — Branch of CIUS EES ОАО (JSC) CIUS of the Urals Execution period: November, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: Norilsk-Taimyr Power Generating Company ОАО (JSC) (NTEK ОАО (JSC)) Execution period: August, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: Fortum-Group ZAO (JSC) Execution period: August, 2015 - September, 2015
The Customer: Oblkommunenergo PAO (JSC) Execution period: July, 2015 - September, 2015
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: July, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: Tyumenskie Motorostroiteli ОАО (JSC) Execution period: August, 2014 — June, 2015
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: May, 2015 — July, 2015
The Customer: Avelar solar Technology OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: May, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the Urals (MES Urala) Execution period: November, 2014 — December, 2015
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the Urals (MES Urala) Execution period: November, 2014 — December, 2015
The Customer: TyumenEnergo ОАО (JSC) Execution period: November, 2014 — March, 2015
The Customer: Tyumenskie Motorostroiteli ОАО (JSC) Execution period: August, 2014 — June, 2015
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: December, 2013 — November, 2014
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Western Siberia (MES Zapadnoy Sibiri) Execution period: December, 2013 — February, 2014
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: February, 2014 — November, 2014
The Customer: ООО «Промышленные инвестиции» Execution period: ноябрь 2021 — 2022
The Customer: ООО «КПЭ» Execution period: июль 2020 — март 2023
The Customer: АО «ВНИИР Гидроэлектроавтоматика» Execution period: март 2022 — декабрь 2023
The Customer: ООО «Газпромнефть-энергосервис» Execution period: апрель 2022 — сентябрь 2022
The Customer: ПАО «Россети Сибирь» Execution period: январь 2022 г. — сентябрь 2022 г.
The Customer: ООО «ГДК Баимская» Execution period: ноябрь 2021 — май 2023 г.
The Customer: «Amur Minerals» OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: апрель 2020- декабрь 2022 г.
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: 2020-2023
The Customer: «Amur Minerals» OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: 2021-2023
The Customer: АО «Научно-технический центр Федеральной сетевой компании Единой энергетической системы» Execution period: 2020-2022
The Customer: ООО «АтомЭлектроПроект» Execution period: 2020-2022
The Customer: АО «Полиметалл» Execution period: 2021-2022
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: December, 2014 — December, 2016
The Customer: АО «Уральская энергетическая строительная компания» Execution period: 2021-2022
The Customer: ООО «СибПроектГрупп» Execution period: ноябрь 2021 — февраль 2022
The Customer: ООО «МонтажЭлектроСервис» Execution period: апрель 2021 — январь 2022 г.
The Customer: ООО «ТЭКПРО» Execution period: июнь 2022 — июль 2022
The Customer: АО «Уральская энергетическая строительная компания» Execution period: июнь 2022 — август 2022
The Customer: АО «ЦИУС ЕЭС» — ЦИУС Сибири Execution period: 2020-2022
The Customer: Inaglinsky GOK AO (JSC) Execution period: февраль 2022 г.
The Customer: ООО «Надежные технические решения» Execution period: май 2021 — ноябрь 2021
The Customer: ООО «Невский энергомеханический завод» Execution period: апрель 2021 — 2021
The Customer: ООО «Санаторий Заполярье» Execution period: 2021 — 2021
The Customer: «Amur Minerals» OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: 2020- декабрь 2021 г.
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: December, 2014 — December, 2016
The Customer: Ozernoye OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: April, 2020 - February, 2021
The Customer: «Amur Minerals» OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: April, 2020 - 2021
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: March, 2020 - 2021
The Customer: «AERO-Sheremetyevo» AO (JSC) Execution period: June, 2020 - January, 2021
The Customer: «ROTEK» AO (JSC) Execution period: September, 2020 - 2021
The Customer: Teplo Zemli АО (JSC) Execution period: March, 2020 - February, 2021
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: February, 2021.
The Customer: NIPIGAZ AO (JSC) Execution period: July, 2020 - October, 2021
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: January, 2020 - July, 2021
The Customer: GiprotyumenNeftegaz PAO (JSC) Execution period: February, 2020 - August, 2021
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: December, 2020.
The Customer: JSC «SEZ PPT «Lipetsk» Execution period: 17 November, 2020.
The Customer: Administration of Baikalsk municipal settlement Execution period: December, 2018 – June, 2020
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: May, 2019 — April, 2020
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the Centre (MES Centra) Execution period: December, 2018 – March, 2020
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: November, 2019 — December, 2019
The Customer: The 2nd Wind Farm - Fund for Wind Power Engineering Development ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: April, 2019 — December, 2019
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: June, 2018 – July, 2019
The Customer: Branch of CIUS EES АО (JSC) — CIUS of Siberia (CIUS Sibiri) Execution period: April, 2017 — August, 2019
The Customer: GiprotyumenNeftegaz PAO (JSC) Execution period: April, 2019 — January, 2020
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: September, 2018 — November, 2018
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Siberia (MES Sibiri) Execution period: April, 2018 — October, 2018
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: December, 2017 — December, 2018
The Customer: Branch of CIUS EES АО (JSC) — CIUS of Siberia (CIUS Sibiri) Execution period: December, 2017 — January, 2018
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the South (MES Yuga) Execution period: June, 2017 — February, 2018
The Customer: GazpromNeft0ONPZ АО (JSC) Execution period: April, 2016 — June, 2018
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the East (MES Vostoka) Execution period: June, 2016 — December, 2018
The Customer: FGS UES АО (JSC) — Branch of CIUS EES ОАО (JSC)-CIUS of Siberia Execution period: January, 2016 - December, 2017
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Western Siberia (MES Zapadnoy Sibiri) Execution period: March, 2017 — September, 2017
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: July, 2016 — November, 2017
The Customer: FGS UES АО (JSC) — Branch of CIUS EES ОАО (JSC)-CIUS of Siberia Execution period: January, 2016 — July, 2017
The Customer: FGS UES АО (JSC) — Branch of CIUS EES ОАО (JSC)-CIUS of Western Siberia Execution period: November, 2016 — December, 2016
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the Urals (MES Urala) Execution period: October, 2015 — January, 2016
The Customer: FGS UES ОАО (JSC) — Main Power Networks of the Centre (MES Centra) Execution period: December, 2014 — December, 2016
The Customer: MOESK ОАО (JSC) Execution period: November, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: FGS UES АО (JSC) — Branch of CIUS EES ОАО (JSC) CIUS of the Urals Execution period: November, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: Norilsk-Taimyr Power Generating Company ОАО (JSC) (NTEK ОАО (JSC)) Execution period: August, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: Fortum-Group ZAO (JSC) Execution period: August, 2015 - September, 2015
The Customer: Oblkommunenergo PAO (JSC) Execution period: July, 2015 - September, 2015
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: July, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: May, 2015 — July, 2015
The Customer: Avelar solar Technology OOO (Ltd.) Execution period: May, 2015 — December, 2015
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the Urals (MES Urala) Execution period: November, 2014 — December, 2015
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of the Urals (MES Urala) Execution period: November, 2014 — December, 2015
The Customer: TyumenEnergo ОАО (JSC) Execution period: November, 2014 — March, 2015
The Customer: Tyumenskie Motorostroiteli ОАО (JSC) Execution period: August, 2014 — June, 2015
The Customer: Tyumenskie Motorostroiteli ОАО (JSC) Execution period: August, 2014 — June, 2015
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: December, 2013 — November, 2014
The Customer: FGS UES PAO (JSC) – Main Power Networks of Western Siberia (MES Zapadnoy Sibiri) Execution period: December, 2013 — February, 2014
The Customer: GazpromNeft Novy Port ООО (Ltd.) Execution period: February, 2014 — November, 2014
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